Wednesday, January 21, 2009

KDE 4.2 RC1 tested

Today I updated my system to KDE 4.2 RC1 (factory repository). After the restart plasma crashed. I contacted the #plasma team on IRC and got a good tip within seconds: delete (or better move) ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc.
After that I had a fresh new shiny open source state of the art (or above) desktop environment. If you want to have a look search for "kde42" or for "kde 4.2".

The whole KDE community has done an amazing work. Thank you very much! You ROCK!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

IBM copyed our slogan

Just read the article "The 10 Coolest Open Source Products Of 2008" and found that IBM uses the slogan "Be Free" for Lotus Symphony.